Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thing 8 conclusion

We use email to comunicate with staff at all the branches of our district and to inform patrons of their holds and overdue items. It's productive because it's quick and one doesn't need to waste paper. With IM, the communication is in real time and that could save alot of of problems with delays.
I am not a user of texting or IM, but I can see how it can be a very useful tool in today's world.
I have not experienced a Webinar except a recording of a Webinar to learn about Unique Management.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Importing Blog

An expert staff member (who wishes to remain A. Nonymous) helped me to clean up the confusing mess I made with the two blogs I had created. I am hoping to continue with the 23 Things (just finishing with Thing 8) and maybe even catch up, well, maybe not quite catch up, but at least stay in the running!
The unregistered blog was exported (saved on the desktop) and then imported into the registered blog (this one). I will then delete the unregistered blog since I will be posting all new stuff onto the registered one, this one--TDD123.